Forestdale Heights Lodge
December 2023 Meeting

With a heavy heart and fond memories, Forestdale Heights Lodge held its final meeting of the year on December 5, bidding farewell to Harvey Silver, the “heart of the Lodge,” who passed away in November.

As well as Lodge co-presidents Ruth Pupko and Debbi Silver, those in attendance included Zoom moderator Stewart Indig, Eddie & Marilyn Arkin, Albert Ohana, Ray Moscoe, Carl Zeliger and Jeff & Lisa Rosen.

Ruth opened the meeting by asking if anyone would like to share their memories of Harvey, who served as president of the Lodge from 2000-01 and 2013-14. At the time of his passing, he was chairman of the Lodge’s board of governors.

A discussion was held on the future of Kol Echad. A motion was presented and passed by an overwhelming majority to move Kol Echad further into the digital age. As of January 1, the print version of Kol Echad is only being sent to advertisers as per a prior agreement with them, which expires in June. Members will now only get the digital issue, which they can read online or download for personal use.

Turning to CVS, Ruth informed members that she has been helping at a few B’nai Brith clothing drives. The clothing arriving has been of higher quality of late, she said.

Later in the meeting, she asked the Lodge to approve a donation to help Beit Halochem (Canada). This organization helps rebuild the lives of Israeli-disabled veterans and victims of terror. It was approved by all members present.

The Lodge also decided to continue its popular Purim CVS program at the B’nai Brith Seniors building. Carl will report back at the next meeting.

The past and current presidents in attendance also approved Albert Ohana and Ray Moscoe to serve as the new joint Chairmen of the Lodge’s board of governors. Finally, it was decided to reschedule the Chanukah dinner for December 17 at Chicken Nest.

There will be no meeting in January, so our next Zoom meeting will be on February 13, 2024.

Jeff Rosen

Website designed & maintained by Jeff Rosen